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Covid -19 Update 7th Sept

Covid -19 Update 7th Sept

What is Catch-up Funding? Children and young people across the country have experienced unprecedented disruption to their education as a result of coronavirus (COVID-19). Those from the most vulnerable and disadvantaged backgrounds will be among those hardest hit. We know that we have the professional knowledge and expertise in the education system to ensure that...

Useful resources

Useful resources

We have created a new page to the website to help parents and carers access any useful documents or resources during the school closure from one central place. It can be found on the main menu titled HOME LEARNING or by clicking on this link here:

World Book Week 2020

World Book Week 2020

We have had a wonderful World Book Day/Week. Thank you for all your support, the children looked amazing. The aim of World Book Day/Week is to promote the enjoyment of sharing a story for just 10 minutes a day and how beneficial this can be. We enjoyed looking at all our costumes and learning all...

Young Voices 2020

Young Voices 2020

What a fantastic time we had at Young Voices this year! As always, the choir showed great commitment and enthusiasm – I truly believe that we out-danced and sang all the schools around us. The children were amazing! Well done to everyone involved – particularly Mrs Hodgkinson! We could not be more proud!

Breakfast With Santa

Breakfast With Santa

Our famous Breakfast with Santa was once again a roaring success. Thank you to all the elves that transformed the hall into Santa’s grotto it truly was magical.

Our Football Team

Our Football Team

Congratulations to our football team who took part in the small schools competition and finished 3rd overall. Well done to everyone who took part and showed such amazing team work and togetherness.

Diva lamps

Diva lamps

Reception and Nursery have been busy learning about the Hindu festival of Diwali and have made these beautiful Diva lamps to celebrate.

Yr5 & 6 Science in the environment

Yr5 & 6 Science in the environment

Year 5 and 6 have been studying our local reservoirs and recording observations of living things in their habitats for our science in the environment day. What wildlife is there in our local area? How has it adapted to its habitat? What threats does it face? #outdoorlearning