Year 6 – due to transfer into high school in September 2021 The statutory closing date is 31 October 2020. Reception children – due to start primary school in September 2021. The statutory closing date is 15 January 2021. The application to be made by the closing date using this direct link Should you need...
Category: Whole School
M&M Theatre Company – The Wizard of Oz
On Tuesday 29th September we are pleased to welcome the M and M theatre company to school.The company normally send around 5 actors but this year there will only be one who will perform alongside a live cinematic experience (on a large screen) which the company will bring. This year’s production is ‘The Wizard of...
Covid -19 Update 7th Sept
What is Catch-up Funding? Children and young people across the country have experienced unprecedented disruption to their education as a result of coronavirus (COVID-19). Those from the most vulnerable and disadvantaged backgrounds will be among those hardest hit. We know that we have the professional knowledge and expertise in the education system to ensure that...
Useful resources
We have created a new page to the website to help parents and carers access any useful documents or resources during the school closure from one central place. It can be found on the main menu titled HOME LEARNING or by clicking on this link here:
World Book Week 2020
We have had a wonderful World Book Day/Week. Thank you for all your support, the children looked amazing. The aim of World Book Day/Week is to promote the enjoyment of sharing a story for just 10 minutes a day and how beneficial this can be. We enjoyed looking at all our costumes and learning all...
Children In Need
Congratulations to everybody for helping raise £210.33 for Children In Need on Friday. Thank you for all your contributions
Our Football Team
Congratulations to our football team who took part in the small schools competition and finished 3rd overall. Well done to everyone who took part and showed such amazing team work and togetherness.
Harvest Festival
Thank you to everyone who attended harvest and for all your generous donations. The children were amazing!
Two of our year 6 pupils proudly showing off their black belt certificates for Taekwondo with Master Ellison. A fantastic achievement! #itallstartedhere Master Ellison runs the class on Thursday mornings 8am -9am, if your child would be interested in joining please see Mrs Townsend in the office.
School Events
- There are no upcoming events.