Policies, Equality and Diversity

Below is a link to the webpage which is dedicated to our school on the schools financial benchmarking service – follow the prompts to find our school’s specific page


What is the Public Sector Equality Duty (the PSED)?

The Public Sector Equality Duty requires public bodies to promote equality.  The relevant protected characteristics are-

  • age

  • disability,

  • gender reassignment

  • pregnancy and maternity

  • race

  • religion or belief

  • sex

  • sexual orientation

Equalities Policy 2022-26

Legislation and guidance

This document meets the requirements under the following legislation:

This document is also based on Department for Education (DfE) guidance: The Equality Act 2010 and schools.


5.1 The general equality duty is contained in S149 of the Act and requires schools to have “due regard” to the need to:

 eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and any other conduct prohibited by the Act;

 advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not, and foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.

5.2 Guidance is attached at Appendix A which provides a brief overview of the provisions of the Act, information about the Protected Characteristics and information about the different types of discrimination and other forms of unlawful behaviour. It is provided as part of our commitment to eliminating all forms of conduct and behaviour deemed unlawful by the Act.

5.3 Information about how this school complies with its general duty and how we incorporate all three strands of the general duty into school life on a daily basis is detailed in Appendix B.

5.4 We will assess equality implications in relation to all new school policies, procedures and projects as part of our on-going duty to have due regard to our general duty. This will help to ensure the school is not unlawfully discriminating against certain individuals or groups with protected characteristics in line with our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion and in line with the Key Principles in section 3.3 of this policy.

5.5 The Governing Body, the Headteacher and SLT (as appropriate) will keep written records of all relevant decisions and actions where equality issues have arisen. This will help us to show that equality implications have been considered and that the school’s equality duties have been actively considered before, and at the time decisions have been made.


6.1 The school’s current equality objectives are set out in Appendix C. Our objectives are specific, measurable and achievable. They relate to people with protected characteristics and cross reference the three strands of the general duty. They represent our school’s priorities.

6.2 The school’s objectives are the outcome of a careful review and analysis of our school data and other information. We have chosen a combination of targets.

6.3 We have detailed the reasons why we have chosen each objective and the relevance to the school’s general equality duty. The overall aim is that the school achieves or makes significant progress towards each specific objective within a specified timeframe

6.4 The Headteacher will report to the Governing Body in relation to the progress we have made towards achieving our objectives. The Governing Body will ensure the school’s equality objectives are reviewed annually and that they are updated at least every four years.

The school’s current Equality Objectives are:-

Equality Objective 1 – Linked to promotion of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

  • OBJECTIVE: to ensure the school actively promotes and prioritises raising awareness, appreciation and celebration of diversity including gender, sexuality, race and religion.
  • OBJECTIVE: To increase pupil awareness and understanding of different communities through assemblies and cultural events.
  • OBJECTIVE: To ensure that all pupils and other stakeholders are given the opportunity to make a positive contribution to school life.

Equality Objective 2: Linked to Pupil Attainment/Disadvantage

  • OBJECTIVE: To mitigate the impact of school closures on disadvantaged pupils.

Equality Objective 3: Linked to Pupil Attainment and Progress/Gender, Race and Disability

  • OBJECTIVE: To monitor and analyse pupil achievement by race, gender and disability and act on any trends or patterns in the data that require additional support for pupils.

Equality Objective 4: Linked to Pupil Attendance/Pupil Premium

  • OBJECTIVE: To explore and understand the reasons for the disproportionately higher absentee levels of PP pupils and begin to improve attendance rates of these pupils.

Equality Objective 5: Linked to Prejudice-Related Incidents/Sexual Orientation

  • OBJECTIVE: Raise awareness of sexual orientation and promote positive attitudes towards alternative lifestyles and lessen the chances of the word ‘Gay’ being used negatively.
  • OBJECTIVE: To increase pupil awareness and understanding of different communities through assemblies and cultural events.

No Outsiders

Our School Ethos – there are no outsiders

How we will achieve this ethos

Shared voice and language 

  1. Weekly assemblies 
  2. Half termly lessons – linked to literature
  3. Displays 
  4. Praise and sanction 
  5. All stakeholders buying into this

High profile

Why is this ethos so important?  

Our children leave us destined for the workplace, for a role in modern Britain. We want our children to champion inclusion and celebrate diversity. To feel that they never are an outsider and to welcome all that they meet. We believe that no one is  born to hate – it is learnt – we need to teach another lesson to spread love and  show love.

The public sector equality act duty came into force across Great Britain on April 2011 – it means that public bodies have to consider all individuals when carrying out their day to day work – in shaping policy, in delivering services and in relation to their own employees. 

  1. Due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination 
  2. Advance equality of opportunity 
  3. Foster good relations between different people

Schools financial benchmarking

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Policy Review Schedule

Some of our school policies are listed below. Some are updated annually, others – every two years.

If there is a policy, you wish to read which is not listed here, please contact us; we will supply a paper copy or by email.

Downloadable Documents


Evidencing PE Grant 2022-2023

Rivington Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Policy 2022-23

Rivington Foundation Primary School Behaviour Policy 2023-24

Rivington Foundation Primary Behaviour Curriculum

Rivington Foundation Primary School Attendance Policy 2023-24

Rivington Primary School Home Learning Offer

Home Learning Protocol 21-2022

Remote Learning Policy Rivington 2020

Feedback and Marking Policy 2020-21

Complaints Policy 2021-22

School Complaints Form 2019 WORD

School Complaints Flowchart

Rivington Assessment 2019

Timetable of Pupil Assessment 2019 20 (2)

Presentation revised Sept 19

Arts policy

English – Rivington Writing Policy 2022-2023

Bereavment Policy 2020


Rivington Foundation Primary School Whistleblowing Policy 2023-24

Rivington Foundation Primary School Social Networking Sites and Social Media Policy

Rivington Foundation Primary School Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 2023-24

Rivington Foundation Primary School Behaviour Policy 2023-24

Stress Policy 2019

Well-Being Policy


Support Staff Appraisal_Policy_2020_Schools

Bullying and Harassment Procedure July 2020


Special Educational Needs Policy – 2020-2021

Home School Agreement 23-24

Rivington Foundation Primary School Anti-Bullying Policy 23-24


Rivington Foundation Primary School Admissions Policy 2025-26

Nursery Admissions Policy 2025-26

Intimate Care 19-20

GSWP Feb 2022 with highlighted changes

Statement of ethical standards

Guidance for Safer Working Practice for people working with Children and Young People in Educational Settings


Guidance for Safer Working Practice

Volunteer Policy

food and drink 2019

Packed Lunch Guidelines for Rivington Foundation Primary School

Data Protection Policy 2018

Privacy notice for school workforce

Privacy notice for pupils RIVINGTON

Records Retention – Rivi

Public Sector Equality Statement

Anti-Bullying Contract (2)

Draft Bad Debt Policy 2022-23

Draft Separated Parents Policy

Use of Direct Central Payment

Petty Cash and Imprest Accounts

Internal Financial Regulations

Income treatment and reconciliation guidance

Control of Assets incl Disposal Policy

Billing and Debtors Policy

Appraisal Policy 2022

Menopause Policy March 2022

Rivington Foundation Primary School Breakfast Club Booking Form 2022

Rivington Foundation Primary School After-School Club Booking Form

2016-17 Accessibility Plan

Healthy Eating Policy 2015

Medication Administration Advice 2015

Parent Prevent Information

Feedback and Marking Policy 2018

updated guidance on marking Jan 2019 (2)

Rivington Calculation Policy

Presentation revised Spring 1 2019 (2)